International projects

AARHUS TECH places great emphasis on internationalization and international cooperation.

As part of AARHUS TECH's international strategy the college participates in development projects within the EU internationationalization programme Erasmus+.

AARHUS TECH has gained Erasmus+ accreditation, which means that we are recognized by Erasmus+ as a partner that has high quality and good administration of the EU grant for abroad stays for students and staff.

In these projects, teachers, managers and international coordinators from at least three different EU countries collaborate on the development of eg. teaching courses which students and possibly teachers can join.

We do this to strengthen the international angle in education.

Below you can see both ongoing and completed projects that AARHUS TECH has participated in. 

Ongoing projects


EMEU is a network of VET schools in Europe. In the network we have developed a model for the exchange of students, so that we ensure that students achieve learning that gives credit for the education they are taking. This is done through a systematic use of ECVET.

At AARHUS TECH, data and communication, carpentry, concreter – civil construction, painter, electrician and masonry programs are active in the network. More educations will be included in the future.

EMEU4ALL is a development project originating from EMEU. More courses are integrated into the network, for AARHUS TECH it is the chef education.

EMEU4CROSSOVERS' main goal is to raise awareness of staff, students and industry regarding the need for and benefits of crossover cooperation between education and industry. 9 partners from 5 different European countries work together to create, test and offer crossover experiences in theory and practice allowing students from different study fields to offer solutions for observations out of their vocational area and develop a flexible mindset.



VR4VET is committed to improving "Customer Service" training in vocational education (VET) and business. The project aims to provide students and employees with a safe and realistic training environment within VR, where they can practice and learn from each other.

Completed projects


Green salon is a development project for hairdressing education.

The project has developed teaching material, an online game and a class game about sustainability and the working environment in the hairdressing profession. We want to help future hairdressers know how to protect themselves, customers and the environment in a profession that uses a lot of water, energy and chemistry.


FIT4BIM is a development project that will help ensure that future concreter – civil construction, technical designers, carpenters and masons are prepared for increased digitization of the construction process.


EDUTRANS is a development project that allows students to work with teaching modules and practical models that focus on energy optimization. Eg. solar panels, heat pumps, renewable energy storage, "Smart home", "Vertical gardening", etc.


VETIT  is a project in which AARHUS TECH contributes to developing apprenticeship in the IT sector in Greece.

An e-learning course is being developed for apprentice managers in companies and training of professional teachers in more practice-oriented teaching.


CAR2LAB  is a telematics development project. In the project development teaching material to be used to secure the mechanics of the future is ready for the many new challenges and tasks that have come with ever more telematics in cars.